June 19, 2018

Heartwood oak table

tavolo e sedie in legno artigianale di quercia toscana con base in ferro

Heartwood oak table, unique and unrepeatable, is a wooden table designed and produced after years of study and experimentations. Thanks to the transversal cut, the Tuscan Oak tells its story: in each ring of the heart of Oak is enclosed a year of its life.


  • PIANO: Tickness 4 cm, Width 90 cm, Length 190 cm
  • BASE: in wrought iron: height 73 cm
  • CHAIRS: sitting: Tickness 6 cm, Width 40 cm, Length 43cm, Height from the ground 49cm. Back: Height 55 cm

List prices:

  • Table 8400 €
  • Chairs 195 € each

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